Your Partner In Custom Hardware Solutions For Sports

Are you trying to fix a problem and can’t seem to find any off-the-shelf products that will solve the problem? We know sports technologies and we can help you develop hardware solutions that aren’t out there yet.

Here’s how we can help:

Discovery (Research & Analysis)

Want to learn more about the technologies currently available? Curious about what research says about the validity of those technologies and whether they could be adequate for your application?

Let us do the groundwork for you. We can put together relevant research and insights so that you can make an informed decision about your project.

Design & Build A POC

If you know what you want to achieve but you are not sure how to make it work.

Let us know your requirements. Then we can brainstorm and workshop a proof-of-concept or prototype so that you have something tangible to continue your validation process.

Develop An MVP

You have a proof of concept but you need to have something that looks and function better. So that your users can start testing and give you valuable feedback.

We can design, prototype and put together a functional solution that looks almost like a finished product.

Let’s make something innovative together.